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Mary Earl was teaching at the RI School for the Deaf in 1973 when she got involved with a Deaf Bible study. This Bible study eventually led to the establishment of the Alpha and Omega Deaf church in Providence, RI. Mary preached, taught, and did workshops on deaf culture among other topics. Upon graduating from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in 1999, Mary started Deaf Dimensions TV, a public access TV program which focused on Deaf issues with a Christian perspective. This lasted 15 years. Zion Bible College Deaf program was also established under DDM in 2000, lasting 10 years and graduating 7 Deaf people. In 2004 Deaf Dimensions Ministries became 501 c3 ministry. Mary’s heart that Deaf people have a strong intimate relationship with Jesus Christ lead to the establishment of Deaf Dimensions School of Ministry, which is now available to all by accessing the "Spiritual Growth Courses" section of this site. DDM is dedicated to promoting Christlikeness in Deaf individuals.
Our Philosophy
Deaf people were created in God’s image and can be equipped to be transformed into the image of Christ. God has called them to be lights to the Deaf community by living by His grace and preaching and teaching the Gospel of God’s love and mercy through the cross of Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 29:18a
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